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together we can transform the problem into an opportunity

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Welcome to MTA

MTA is a Contract Research Organization (CRO). As an independent organization, MTA supports the identification and development processes of promising therapeutic approaches proposed by research institutes, universities, pharmaceutical, biomedical and tech-med companies offering support in the product’s development and quality certified assessment of new medical strategies in the clinical setting.

More than a CRO!

MTA is more than a CRO because it represents an academic-rooted organisation supporting medical products development ensuring planning, management and coordination of clinical studies and clinical services at certified international quality standards.

Why should you choose MTA?

Because your project is unique! Our mission is to provide tailored services aimed to FOCUS, harmonize the entire trial management process and to SPEED the INNOVATION in MEDICAL SCIENCE toward the delivery of any new therapeutic treatment or intervention that will improve patient quality of life.

ISO 9001 / UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 Certification

ISO certificate For the following activities:
Planning, management, coordination and monitoring of national and international clinical trials with medicinal products, medical devices, diagnostics, dietary supplements and biotechnological products. Development and provision of educational courses concerning clinical research, scientific, healthcare and pharmaceutical fields.

logo iso


Honored to being there to celebrate the excellence!
On 7th Sep, 2021 MTA will partecipate to Swiss Biotech Day 2021 which has become one of the leading biotechnology conferences in Europe.
26 maggio 2021 - Nuovo Regolamento Europeo sui Dispositivi Medici: siamo pronti?
Le presentazioni del webinar tenutosi il 27 aprile sono ora disponibili sulla pagina dedicata ai medical device.
Swiss Biotech Report 2020
AiPBAND Activities PhD Conference on Brain Cancer Diagnostic Study and Summer School on Research Methods
Swiss Biotech Association Membership Medical Trials Analysis is a member of Swiss Biotech Association now.
Swiss Biotech Day We are proud to announce that MTA will participate to the Swiss Biotech Day on May the 7th in Basel.
Our Scientific Director, Dr. Cristina Morelli, will present the "Approval Procedures for Novel Therapies & Clinical Trials" during the Panel 6 - HealthCare: Italy on the move.
We will be happy to meet you there!
UPDATE ON AiPBAND PROJECT Read our press release and visit the official web site at
ACROSS is the first truly global, agile CRO alliance. Offering cost effective, cutting edge innovative solutions for small / medium pharmaceutical and biotech companies as well as public health institutes and non-governmental organizations, ACROSS is the latest player on the global field of clinical trials
AiPBAND Want to know more about this stunning project? Now the web site is online at
AiPBAND start, MTA is part of it! AiPBAND (An Integrated Platform for Developing Brain Cancer Diagnostics Techniques) is an Innovative Training Network (ITN) funded under the EU H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actionsto train fourteen Early Stage Researchers (ESRs)
Medical Trials Analysis Swiss SA is proud to be now the member of the Associazione Farmaceutici Ticinese 31th May 2017
MTA is looking forward to meet you at the Swiss Biotech Day in Basel! Please save the date: 04th May 2017
MTA is proud to announce his involvement as a co-Sponsor of the stunning Clinical Operations Strategy Meeting Europe 2017 that will be held in London on 13th June 2017 !!
XIV National Congress SSFA - Milan, Italy - 28/29.03.2017: we'll be there! (Noi ci saremo... E voi?)
We are proud to announce today that we are now Full Member of the Italian Association of Contract Research Organization - AICRO!
We'll be in Munich at the Outsourcing in Clinical Trials: Medical Device Europe 2017 on 7th and 8th February. Click here if you like to meet us!
Stil'è MTA on all fronts! If you have missed the paper version, you can find this interesting article online!
MTA will participate also at the 2016 edition of Meet in Italy for Life Science.
MTA is the co-sponsor of the international event "Outsourcing in Clinical Trials: Medical Device Europe 2017"
Medical Trials Analysis was invited to a Meeting on EXPO MILAN
Medical Trial Analysis - Meet in Italy for Life Science 2015